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Writer's pictureFrankie Seegers

2023…and Beyond

2023, the year our boys brought home the world cup for a record-breaking fourth time,  the year a South African bank was named the strongest banking brand in the world, the year a South African woman was nominated to head up the International Panel on Climate Change, and the year that we, at QoT Solutions, celebrated five years of operation and a successful and prosperous year for our staff.  


As with all years in the past, we have really put pedal to the metal and pushed hard to make a success of this year for both our clients and ourselves.  We started our annual graduate programme early this year, and added two extra courses and extra time for practical work and showcases.   Our learning and development methods are getting stronger year on year, with support from our trainers, mentors and our committed and compassionate staff members. And our graduates are not only adopting the culture that is QoT, but helping us to understand and construct what the future culture of QoT would look like.


We have expanded our client base with a couple of new clients, and also a complete new domain for us- just further adding credence to the fact that as long as you are properly trained as a Quality Assurance professional you can achieve great things, no matter the domain.  We have big goals to work very hard on our campaigns in the new year and see whether we are able to expand our client base even further, working on our international footprint and branching out into new and different landscapes both geographically and speciality.  Further to the above, and In order to enable us to expand and grow, we have spent a great deal of time and resources working on our internal structures and our compliance. This initiative will continue into the next year to ensure that our expansion across South Africa and the globe happens in a structured and successful manner


One of our key focus areas, year on year,  is ensuring we stay abreast of technology and the rapid changes happening in the industry.   We ensure that our staff all have personal development plans that are crafted to ensure we address gaps in skill, requirements from the industry and our people’s learning desires.  This year we have seen growth in API automation skills, Artificial Intelligence testing, the development of Hyper-automation Frameworks, Cloud Development and Testing and much more.   This coming year we are striving to ensure that our people continue to be advocates of positive change and higher-quality software through the application of these technologies that are on the forefront of our landscape.


So we have done a great many things this past year, and in fact these past five years.  But really, we acknowledge that we are really just laying the foundation to take QoT to the next level.  We have been gearing up to move this company beyond borders, both technologically and geographically, and we wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without our highly-skilled, passionate and committed staff.  This company has been built off the blood, sweat and tears of all of its employees and for this we are constantly grateful.  We are thankful for 2023 and to have a company that has survived all of the various challenges that have come our way, thank you to all our clients, our staff and our followers for your continued support.  Next year, the world!


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